Funeral Booklet for Michael E. Nixon

Material Information

Funeral Booklet for Michael E. Nixon
Series Title:
Virgin Islands Funeral Memorial Booklets
Estate of Michael E. Nixon
Institute for Museum and Library Services (National Leadership Grant Award, ND-00026) ( Donor )


Subjects / Keywords:
Nixon, Michael E.
Human relations
Funeral rites and ceremonies
Caribbean ( LCSH )
Spatial Coverage:
North America -- United States Virgin Islands


The Enid M. Baa Library of the Division of Libraries, Archives and Museums (DLAM) has acquired an extensive collection of memorial booklets since the early 1970's for U. S. Virgin Islands residents. Booklets are usually more than 10 pages long and give details of the life and family connections of the deceased. ( en )
General Note:
Item was digitized and contributed to the collaborative Digital Library of the Caribbean by the University of the Virgin Islands.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of the Virgin Islands
Holding Location:
Enid M. Baa Library and Archives, Virgin Islands Department of Libraries, University of the Virgin Islands
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.