No. Title Date
1 Skilled Human Capital Availability and Traded Industry Cluster Strength: Establishing an Empirical Link
2 An evaluation of local and community-scale multispecies competition among corals, sponges, and macroalgae on reefs in the U.S. Virgin Islands
3 Assessing Impacts of the Invasive Seagrass Halophila stipulacea on Juvenile Southern Stingray (Hypanus americanus) Habitat Preference and Delineation of Diel Movement Patterns in Brewers Bay and Perseverance Bay, St. Thomas, USVI
4 The effect of herbivory and nutrient addition on the dynamics of the macroalgae, Dictyota spp. on Caribbean coral reefs in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
5 Seasonal Patterns of Seagrass Species, with Relations to Herbivore Preference in a Small Caribbean Bay
6 Factors Influencing Activity Space of Juvenile Hawksbill Sea Turtles
7 Predictors of and variability in seagrass sediment blue carbon from St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
8 Evaluating the abundance and size distribution of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois spp.) in the US Virgin Islands
9 The acclimatization of the Caribbean fused staghorn coral Acropora prolifera to non-natal
10 Microplastic Abundances Influenced by Anthropogenic Activity
11 The Recovery of Seagrass Meadows and Chelonia mydas (Green Turtle) after Hurricane in a Small Caribbean Bay
12 Age, Growth, and Reproduction of the Queen Triggerfish, Balistes vetula, from the U.S. Virgin Islands
13 Perceptions of students concerning the study of foreign languages at the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix Campus
14 An investigation to determine the ability of male and female eighth grade students to recognize written fallacies in reasoning
15 An investigation into elementary public school teachers' attitudes toward inclusion on St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands
16 Assistive technology as an alternative therapy in the case of a child exhibiting autistic-like characteristics
17 A study of the use of technology in teaching Mathematics to our mobile 21st century generation of St. Croix Educational Complex High School students
18 The relationship between selected word perception skills and reading comprehension of sixth grade students attending a local public school in St. Thomas
19 An investigation of the relationship between morpho-syntactic divergency of oral language production and reading achievement of second grade, St. Thomas Virgin Islands children
20 The effect of context clues on reading comprehension