No. Title Date
1 Superstitition [sic] and academic achievement
2 Superstitition [sic] and academic achievement
3 The effects of intact nuclear families and single-parent families on academic achievement of 5th grade students of four elementary public schools on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands UVI Theses
4 The effects of intact nuclear families and single-parent families on academic achievement of 5th grade students of four elementary public schools on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
5 The effects of computers on mathematics achievement of seventh grade students at the Arthur A. Richards Junior High School in the District of St. Croix
6 The relationship between television viewing and academic achievement of middle school students at the St. Croix Seventh-Day Adventist School
7 The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement in third-grade students on St. Croix
8 Multidisciplinary challenges and approaches for the Caribbean in the nineties
9 Correlation between physical fitness and academic achievement
10 The effect of cooperative learning in science on junior high school students academic achievement
11 A study on student discipline and student achievement: including students' perception
12 Academic potential of male students of the British Virgin Islands as predicted by performance on the Primary Five Examination
13 The effects of retention on the academic performance, self-esteem and attitude of students at the British Virgin Islands high school
14 The relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement of low performing ninth grade students at the British Virgin Islands High School Portfolios as an assessment tool
15 A study of teachers' perceptions of Hispanic students' academic achievement and their retention in grades three to six in the British Virgin Islands Hispanic students' academic achievement and their retention in grades three to six in the British Virgin Islands
16 The relationship between children's level of academic achievement, values towards school and level of self-esteem
17 The relationship between children's level of academic achievement, values towards school and level of self-esteem
18 The effects of breakfast on the academic achievement of students in grades 4 to 6 at the St. Croix Seventh-Day Adventist School
19 Is there a relationship between socio-economic status and the academic achievement of students?
20 Absenteeism, homework and infractions : factors influencing the academic performance of junior high school students in St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles Factors influencing the academic performance of junior high school students in St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles